Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal

Journal titleSoutheast Asian Mathematics Education Journal
AbbreviationSoutheast Asian Math. Educ. J.
Frequency2 issues per year
DOIprefix 10.46517 by
Print ISSN2089-4716
Online ISSN2721-8546
Editor-in-chiefAssoc. Prof. Masitah Shahrill
Managing EditorDr. Sri Wulandari Danoebroto
PublisherSEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Mathematics
Citation AnalysisScopus | DOAJ | Dimensions | Google Scholar | Garuda


Journal Homepage Image

Within 2011 and 2018, SEAQiM published SEAMEJ annually, and in 2019, the Centre aims to publish the journal twice in a year (June and December). All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.

Editorial Process 

40 days

Submission to first decision

61 days

Submission to acceptance

24 days

Acceptance to publish

Vol 14, No 1 (2024)

This volume consists of five papers that have undergone a review process by the editorial committee. The first paper investigates the development of a numeracy assessment instrument for vocational high school students. The second paper discusses the results of PISA Indonesia in 2018. Meanwhile, the third paper reports on the strategies and challenges faced by novice teachers in preparing students to take the minimum competency assessment. The fourth paper investigates the spatial abilities of high school students in solving geometry problems. Finally, the fifth paper examines problem-solving skills and productive struggle of elementary school students in solving mathematical problems.

Table of Contents


Jumini Jumini, Kana Hidayati
10.46517/seamej.v14i1.306 Views of Abstract: 211 | PDF: 102
Kismiantini Kismiantini, Ezra Putranda Setiawan
10.46517/seamej.v14i1.331 Views of Abstract: 239 | PDF: 94
Rita Suryani, Naning Pratiwi
10.46517/seamej.v14i1.271 Views of Abstract: 217 | PDF: 79
Septia Wahyuni, Julia Noviani, Dian Saleha
10.46517/seamej.v14i1.288 Views of Abstract: 471 | PDF: 99
Rosiana Mufliva, Turmudi Turmudi, Tatang Herman, Sandi Budi Iriawan, Andhin Dyas Fitriani
10.46517/seamej.v14i1.376 Views of Abstract: 181 | PDF: 109