A Learning Trajectory of Indonesian 12-years Old Students Understanding of Division of Fractions
The purpose of this study was to describe mathematical hands-on activities that can support students to gain better understanding of dividing fractions. This preliminary research phase was started by testing, analyzing, and refining the initial hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT), then in the pilot experimental phase the revised HLT was implemented, and ended with the teaching experimental phase by developing a learning trajectory for 12-year old students in understanding division of fractions. In developing the trajectory, a design research methodology was employed by using four contextual-based learning series (sharing biscuit, sharing remaining chocolate bar, arranging bedroom mats, and running around school yard), including providing some concrete materials or pictorial models as manipulative tools. Seven mathematics experts and twenty five 12-year old students were involved during the research. The four designed learning goals were determining the quotient of division of integer by proper fraction, proper fraction by integer, two proper fractions, and two fractions. Students succeeded in demonstrating their understanding and stated that 16:1/2 = 32; 25/36:5 = 5/36; 24/64:1/2 = 6/8; and 15/2:3/4 = 10 respectively at the end of each designed activity. The interesting results of this study are not a proof, so that a much larger study is needed to determine if the results are due to this approach or due to the teachers’ enthusiasm or what is known as the Hawthorne Effect.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46517/seamej.v7i2.52
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